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Several Apex Legends characters in poses around the Apex Legends logo and the title beside themSeveral Apex Legends characters in poses around the Apex Legends logo and the title beside themESRB Rating Teen

Apex Legends

Official description: Jump into a hero shooter beyond battle-royale experience from Respawn Entertainment, the veteran studio behind the Titanfall series. Apex Legends is a free-to-play, hero shooter with an ever expanding suite of finely-tuned legendary characters and powerful abilities filled with hundreds of cosmetic unlocks to hunt down. Team up to battle for fame and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier - an all new region of the Titanfall universe - and master a roster of diverse characters, deep, tactical squad play, and a host of fresh innovations that seek to revolutionize the battle royale genre, from 60-person battle royale matches to limited-time modes and takeovers.

1 Apex Legends article
The Fortnitemares pumpkin armor and a terrifying doll-headed Call of Duty skin for gaming Halloween events are shown beside each another
We're Pump(kin)ed

Halloween Events in Gaming 2024

Fortnitemares, The Haunting, Harvest of Ghosts, and more bring pumpkins and scares galore to our favorite games for Halloween 2024.

Henry Stenhouse

Henry Stenhouse, 2 months ago